The Creator’s Mind: Why Making Matters More Than Having

2 min read2 days ago


You’ve been chasing the wrong thing. That fancy car, that designer collection, that mansion? This is what society tells you what success is.

Society is under economic obligation to tell you “More Consumption equals More Success”, it’s too tempting to fall for.

The real Successful ones are busy creating things for people to consume,

They collectively spend a tremendous fortune indoctrinating the working class that spending and consumption is what success means, this is done through extensive use of marketing, advertisements, and brand collaborations.

The Ultimate escape is to become a creator yourself, even at the smallest scale possible, and create things with your heart and soul. You will understand that creation is the pinnacle of human experience. Yet, many fell prey to the disease of conspicuous consumption, I’m not against consumption, that’s how the economy works. Still, it’s about having a mindful balance between creation and consumption, so consume things that you aspire to create yourself, things that raise your bar for what you can create, consume things that enhance your taste, things that expand your mind, things that inspire you to create, inspiration is permeable throughout all sectors, it doesn’t have to be related to what you’ll create, you never know how the dots get connected.

If Steve Jobs hadn’t enrolled in the calligraphy class at Reed College, which later inspired him to design Macintosh to have beautiful typefaces, no computer would likely have them too, If Apple’s UI designer, Freddy Anzures hadn’t paid attention to how the Airplane Toilet room door locking mechanism worked, we’d have never had the iconic “Swipe to Unlock” in the Original iPhone.

Learn about the creators behind your favorite things and understand their design choices and the values behind them, learn the stories behind them, learn what inspired them, and notice the little details they left for the curious, you will appreciate their work even more, and you’ll never know how things connect and help in your future.

It’s surprising to me, how many people think that creativity is some sort of a magical entity that only a few are born with, much of creativity is just pattern matching, what you find as being creative is an anomaly to your brain, the more dots you collect, the more creative ideas you have.

Thanks for reading, the goal of this episode was to inspire you to create, or at the very least, inspire you to be curious and understand the stories behind the creations of your favorite things, they all come together in unexpected ways in your projects.

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Indie Dev. Building Folksable, a Habit Accountability app. Interests in Businesses, Software, and Marketing.